Tuesday, 16 May 2023 12:26

Texting and Driving in New York State

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Texting and driving is a dangerous activity that can lead to accidents and loss of lives. In an effort to prevent such incidents, many states, including New York, have enacted laws to regulate and penalize this behavior. Here's everything you need to know about New York's texting and driving laws:

Prohibition: It is illegal for all drivers in New York to use hand-held electronic devices while operating a motor vehicle. This includes texting, emailing, browsing the internet, and other activities that involve manually manipulating the device.

Hand-held devices: The term "hand-held electronic device" refers to any portable device with mobile data access, such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and portable gaming devices.

Hands-free devices: New York allows the use of hands-free devices for phone calls while driving. However, drivers must use a hands-free device that doesn't require more than a single tap or swipe to activate or deactivate a function.


Violating New York's texting and driving laws can result in fines and penalties.

  • First offense: A fine between $50 and $200.
  • Second offense (within 18 months): A fine between $50 and $250.
  • Third offense (within 18 months): A fine between $50 and $450.

Points On Driver's License

In addition to fines, conviction of a texting while driving offense in New York will result in the imposition of 5 driver violation points on the individual's driver's license. Accumulating too many points within a specific timeframe can lead to license suspension or other consequences.

Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) restrictions: New York's GDL program includes restrictions for young and new drivers. During the learner's permit and probationary license stages, drivers under 18 years old are prohibited from using all cell phones and other portable electronic devices while driving, even with hands-free functionality.

Exceptions: There are some exceptions to New York's texting and driving laws. For example, drivers can use their devices to contact emergency services in case of an emergency or when parked safely on the side of the road. Additionally, using a device while driving for work-related purposes by certain authorized individuals may be permitted.

It's crucial to prioritize road safety and avoid distracted driving. Even if it is not specifically prohibited by law, it is advisable to minimize any form of distraction while driving and keep full attention on the road.

Read 1722 times Last modified on Monday, 26 June 2023 12:41

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